Advertise on CigarScore

Market Your Products Directly to the Cigar Community

CigarScore is the best platform for helping cigar retailers, cigar brands, and the cigar community come together and have a shared cigar experience.



Global Users


U.S.A. Users


Mobile Users







Data Points Tracked



Website Views


YouTube Views


Ad Views/mo





On-Page Ads


Ad Clicks/mo

All numbers are current as of February 22nd, 2024, and are sourced from Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, and internal CigarScore metrics.

The cigar community is an interesting bunch. When you look at people who enjoy premium cigars, you'll find leather-handed mechanics, tailored-suit-wearing attorneys, and everything in between.

While it's impossible to nail down who or what a smoker is, one thing is universal - cigar smokers love freedom, fine conversation, and awesome experiences.

If you've got a service, product, or experience you'd like to market directly to the men and women in the cigar community, continue on. I think you'll like what we can offer you.

Who Uses

People who buy and smoke premium cigars are typically male, are often between 35 and 59 years old, and are likely to have completed college. The money they spend on cigars is discretionary income. Approximately 46% of our users spend at least $1000 each year on cigars.

35-54 Yrs Old
Mobile Users
Watch/Read Our Cigar Reviews
Likely or Very Likely to Recommend Us
Likely or Very Likely to Use Us Again
Spend Over $1000 per Year on Cigars
Spend Over $2000 per Year on Cigars
Say Our Website is Very Easy to Use

Regardless of whether you're in the cigar industry or if you want to market your products to cigar smokers, you should consider advertising on!

When smoking cigars, our users tell us they enjoy fine bourbons, scotches, whiskeys and wines. In addition to cigars, our users enjoy travel, video games, and firearms.

If you want to market your product directly to over 5000 cigar smokers each month, you should advertise with us!

If you own a cigar lounge, humidor, or a cigar-friendly bar or restaurant and you do not ship nationwide, you'd get the most benefit from upgrading your current listing!

Why Advertisers ❤️ Us

Our advertisers love working with because they're able to reach new customers and active buyers.

Over half of CigarScore users plan to make a purchase based on our recommendation, and our advertisers get to take advantage of that. 

No wasted ad spend! Nearly 100% of our users smoke premium cigars. They're only here looking for a place to smoke, a cigar review from someone they trust, or other cigar-related information from a trusted source. Your ad will be only be seen by your target market.

When you advertise on, you get to choose your ad placement, sidebar or below content, and your ad will be shown on every page, which means thousands of cigar smokers and active buyers will see your brand every single month.

Our advertisers love getting the most bang for their buck. When you spend your marketing dollars advertising your products to our users, you know exactly who will see your ad.

What You Get

In addition to the ad placements options below, we offer trackable links so you know exactly how many people are clicking your advertisement. No bogus or inflated reporting!

Additionally, we have the ability to tailor our ads for geo-targeting so you can target the people in your area. When you advertise on, you get to put your business, products and brand directly in front of over 5000 cigar smokers each month.

Option 1 - Sidebar

This is a persistent ad placed in the sidebar of every listing in the geographical area you choose - normally the state in which you're located plus surrounding states.

This 320x250 pixel image ad, when clicked, can link to your website, your Facebook page, the forums on your site, or even your product/order page.

2.68% Average CTR

Option 2 - Above Content

This is a persistent ad placed above the content of every listing in your geographical area - normally the state in which you're located plus surrounding states.

This 700x125 pixel image ad, when clicked, can link to your website, your Facebook page, the forums on your site, or even your product/order page.

2.86% Average CTR

Option 3 - Below Content

This is a persistent ad placed below the listing of every listing in your geographical area - normally the state in which you're located plus surrounding states.

This 700x125 pixel image ad, when clicked, can link to your website, your Facebook page, the forums on your site, or even your product/order page.

4.46% Average CTR

Option 4 - Header Bar

This is a user-dismissible ad placed placed at the top of every page and shown to every user. 

This text-based ad features a single button that, when clicked, can link to your website, your Facebook page, the forums on your site, or even your product/order page.

1.43% Average CTR

Option 5 - Below Videos

This is a persistent ad placed below the video on cigar reviews and unboxing videos, and sports a super-high click through rate.

This text-based ad features a single button that, when clicked, can link to your website, your Facebook page, the forums on your site, or even your product/order page.

7.71% Average CTR

cigar score media kit screenshot 5 pages

Download the CigarScore Media Kit

CigarScore is unlike any cigar-related business around. We leverage the latest technologies to maximize the reach of our partners. Download our Media Kit to learn more about how advertising with us can help you reach more customers and grow your business. And, how you can track it all!